Sunday, March 12, 2017

20 min low-resistance strength training for Yogis … essential daily upper body training with dumbells

Yogic postures require strength, strong shoulder, back, arms and abs. One way to develop strength outside yogic class is to go to gym or do some weight training at home. For home-practice, the least complicated excercises are those with

This short intense low-resistance circuit type strength training increases strength endurance to advance in yogic practice.

Here is how to start yoga posture training:
How to start yoga posture training at home?

How to develop strength without increasing the size of the muscles? 
When selecting a type of training one needs to set goals (e.g. increase strength, build muscle etc.).
Strength endurance, which stands for long-lasting exertion with moderate resistance, is required during Ashtanga yoga practice, where the same strength is needed throughout the sequences. If you want to develop strength endurance without increasing the size of the muscle, choose a weight (e.g. 5 pounds/2kg) that you can perform 15-20 repetitions (=low resistance, <40% of maximal resistance). This type of training needs to go on till fatigue develops, thus select optimal weight, and set repetitions, serials and resting time between sets accordingly.

On the other hand, if you want to build muscle, then choose a weight with that you can perform max. 6-12 repetitions (=moderate resistance, 60-80% of max resistance).
And if you want to improve maximal strength, then choose the maximum weight that you can lift for 1 repetition (=maximal resistance, 90-100%), this improves motor unit recruitment and synchronization of muscle fibers.

Let's do it! Grab the dumbbells and stand with the feet shoulder width apart. Repeat the first exercise 15-20 times, and proceed to the next exercises with no resting. Then repeat the whole cycle 1-3 times with no resting. Then relax in savasana for 3-5 min at the end. This daily short set will develop strength endurance.

Exercises set

1. Dumbbell shrugs (reps 15-20) [Back muscles: Trapezius, Rhomboideus, Levator scapulae]
2. Bent-over lateral raises  (reps 15-20) [Deltoideus: anterior, middle, posterior; Back muscles: Trapezius, Infraspinatus, Terres minor]
3. Dumbbell press  (reps 15-20) [Deltoideus: anterior, middle, posterior]
4. Lateral raises  (reps 15-20) [Trapezius, Deltoideus: anterior, middle]
5. Front raises  (reps 15-20) [Deltoideus: anterior, middle]
6. Hammer curls  (reps 15-20) [Biceps brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis]
7. Triceps kickbacks  (reps 15-20) [Triceps brachii]
8. Bent rows  (reps 15-20) [Biceps brachii, Brachialis; Deltoideus: posterior part; Back muscles: Trapezius, Rhomboideus, Infraspinatus, Terres minor, Terres major]
9. Dumbbell shrugs  (reps 15-20)
10. Push-ups (reps 10-30) [Pectoralis major, Triceps brachii, Deltoideus: anterior]
11. Push-ups, wide (reps 5-10) [Pectoralis major, Triceps brachii, Deltoideus: anterior, Serratus anterior]
12. Crunches with feet on the floor or feet raised (reps 10-30) [Rectus abdominis, Obliquus abdominis externus, Quadriceps femoris, Tensor fasciae latae]
13. Lateral crunches (reps 10-30 each side) [Rectus abdominis, Obliquus abdominis externus and internus]

!!! Note: Do not forget the practice of meditation in order to become a yoga master. Here is the oldest effective meditation technique that can change your life for the better.

Related posts:
How to start yoga posture training at home

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