Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Yoga pose (asana) Backbending prep sequence

Advanced yoga backbending poses require flexible hip and shoulder. Backbending asana prep sequence apply targeted stretching to muscles that limit hip and shoulder mobility and the resulting increased range of motion can be integrated in advanced backbending poses.

Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) is a complex pose with externally rotated front hip, extended back hip, and fully flexed shoulders over the head.

Muscles limiting external rotation of the hip include those that internally rotate the hips (gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fascia lata).
Muscles limiting extension include the hip flexors (psoas, pectineus, adductor longus and brevis, rectus femoris, and sartorius).
Muscles limiting shoulder flexion include those that extend the shoulders (latissimus dorsi. teres major, deltoid, and pectoralis major). 

It is important to include poses that stretch not only the muscles that limit a specific movement (e.g. hip internal rotators and shoulder extensors in eka pada rajakapotasana), but also muscles that assist to perform a given movement (e.g. hip external rotators in eka pada rajakapotasana) and also stabilizers (e.g. quadratus lumborum low back stabilizer) to prevent muscle spasm!

This backbanding prep sequence containes a dynamic warm-up (5-5 reps of Surya namaskara/ Sun salutaion A and B), followed by a standing sequence including hamstring, hip and low back stretching and strength poses. Then, preparatory poses comes that apply targeted stretching to specific areas of the body (hip, shoulder) to increase range of motion. Use props (e.g. straps) if needed, they help to get in the pose.

Hold each stretching pose for 3-5 breaths or longer. Proper stretching allows to go deeper into a yogic pose.

See more info about passive and facilitated PNF stretching in the post about How long to hold a stretch?

Yoga pose (asana) Backbending prep sequence
Target poses: King pigeon (rajakapotasana), Lord of the dance (natarajasana), One-legged king pigeon (eka pada rajakapotasana)

Warm-up: 5-5 reps of Sun salutation A and B (surya namaskara) 10 min
(After warm-up hold each asana for 3-5 breaths or as long as possible; and may do vinyasa between poses)
[Legends: S=samasthiti;
V=vinyasa sequence: exhale in four-limbed staff (chaturanga dandasana), inhale in upward-facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana), exhale in downward-facing dog (ardho mukha svanasana);
N=neutral pose, child/balasana, cat/marjaryasana]

Standing sequence, 15 min
Big toe (padangusthasana) [hamstring stretch] S
Extended triangle (utthita trikonasana) [strength, hip opener, low back stretch] S
Revolved triangle (parivritta trikonasana) [strength, low back and hip stretch] S
Extended side angle (utthita parsvakonasana) [strength, low back stretch] S
Revolved side angle (parivritta parsvakonasana) [strength, low back and hip stretch] S
Wide-legged forward bend I-IV (prasarita padottanasana) [hamstring stretch] S
Intense side stretch (parsvottanasana) [hamstring stretch] S
Tree (vrksasana) V

Hip stretch sequence:
Lizard (uttan pristhasana) V
Fire log (agnistambhasana) easy variation with both heels on the floor
Bound angle (baddha konasana) easy variation with legs open into a diamond shape
Belly twist (jathara parivrtti) A and B [low back muscle Quadratus luborum stretch]
Revolved abdomen (eka pada jathara parivartasana) [low back muscle Quadratus luborum stretch]
Double big toes (ubhaya padangusthasana) I-II V
Butterfly (bhadrasana) in reclining position with legs supported by the wall, slightly pressed by your hands V

Shoulder stretch sequence: (reps 2-3x each side)(include neutral poses to prevent low back contraction)
Extended puppy (uttana shishasana) N (=neutral pose, child/balasana, cat/marjaryasana)
Cow faced (gomukasana)
Shoulder stretch with strap in Thunderbolt (vajrasana) N, V

Backbending sequence: (reps 2-3x each side) (include neutral poses to prevent low back contraction)
Cobra (bhujangasana) [psoas stretch] N
Camel (ustrasana) [psoas] N
Reclining hero (supta virasana) N
Rajakapotasana prep from Reclining hero start position N, V
Downward-facing pigeon (ardha mukha kapotasana) [hip stretch]
Pigeon (kapotasana) supported by the wall, with hands slighly press against the wall [psoas, hip stretch] N, V
One-legged king pigeon (eka pada rajakapotasana) adjusted by strap N, V, S
Lord of the dance (natarajasana) adjusted by strap
Wheel/ upward bow (urdhva dhanurasana) [psoas stretch, shoulder stretch, strength]
Two-legged inverted staff (dwi pada viparita dandasana) adjusted by strap
Eye of needle (sucirandhrasana) [hip opener]
Seated forward bend (paschimottanasana)

Closing sequence:
Supported shoulderstand (salamba sarvangasana)
Unsupported shoulderstand (niralamba sarvangasana)
Plow (halasana)
Ear-to-knee (karnapidasana)
Leg-up-the wall (viparita karani)
Fish (matsyasana)
Wind-releasing (pavanamuktasana)
Corpse (savasana)

Another essential sequence, a 90min full body workout is here:
Yoga pose (asana) preparatory sequence 90min workout

In addition to daily yoga posture training, you may want to further strenghten your fitness with weight training and familiarize youself with Indian cooking: 

!!! Note: Do not forget the practice of meditation in order to become a yoga master. Here is the oldest effective meditation technique that can change your life for the better.
